Sahara Pools, INC
1160 US Highway 22 West
Lebanon, NJ 08833
NJHIC: 13VH01390200
NJ Business Entity ID: 7847942500
Store Hours (Winter Hours)
Mon-Fri: 10:00AM - 5:00PM
Sat: 10:00AM - 5:00PM
Sun: 10:00AM - 5:00PM

Are you a new or existing Sahara Pools customer?
It's great to meet you!
We'll send you a detailed questionnaire about your pool, so that we can provide you an exceptional pool opening tailored to your equipment
It's great to meet you!
We'll send you a detailed questionnaire about your pool, so that we can provide you an exceptional pool opening tailored to your equipment
Welcome back!​
Select this option if we have your pool information on file. Thank you for your continued support.
Welcome back!​
Select this option if we have your pool information on file. Thank you for your continued support.
This location must be easily accessible. We will fold and store cover within 100ft from pool area, and lower than 6 Feet due to strict insurance restrictions. Covers will not be completely clean or dry.
Deduct $50
(Sahara Pools will NOT add any chemicals)
Sign Up for Seasonal Maintenance
Did you know?
Sahara Pools can help maintain your pool all summer long!
Standard Maintenance Season
June 3rd, 2024 - August 31st, 2024
Weekly - $95 Per Visit
Extended Maintenance Season
All pool maintenance visits from pool opening till pool closing or October 31st, outside of the standard maintenance season (June 3rd, 2024 - August 31st, 2024).
Weekly - $130 Per Visit
STANDARD SEASON - June 3rd, 2024 - August 31st, 2024
EXTENDED SEASON - All maintenance outside Standard Season
Every Week
Every Week
Every Two Weeks
All Maintenance Services Performed As Needed
Priority scheduling for service requests on any pool issues
Pool vacuumed and skimmed
Brushing of pool walls and the tile line
Pool water tested and chemically adjusted
Pressure side pool cleaners maintained
Emptying of all skimmer and pump baskets
​Chlorinator filled or salt cell maintained
Pool filter backwashing
Adjust and maintain timer clocks and automation
Monitor water level
Pool surface stain evaluation and diagnosis
On-sight visible pool inspection
*All chemicals are additional
Scheduling and Confirmation
Due to unforeseen weather conditions, we cannot guarantee a specific day.
Notification of cancellation for service at least 24 hours in advance will not be charged a rescheduling fee. If cancellation is less than 24 hours before scheduled service date a $75 rescheduling fee will apply.
If service is completed prior to cancellation, customer is fully responsible for services performed.
If pool opening submission date is within 14 days of requested opening date, availability may be limited and your pool opening date may be extended to the following week.​
Prior to pool opening date, customer must have all electrical equipment "On" including indoor timers.
Solid covers must be free of standing water. Pool water level must be appropriate for opening (at least 1/2 way up skimmer). If a return visit is required to startup system, a $75.00 service charge will apply. All skimmer and pump baskets, return eyeballs, filter drain plugs, and diatomaceous earth, etc... must be in good condition and set out prior to pool opening. If not, Sahara Pools will provide required items and customer will be charged for items used.
Chemical imbalance can cause severe damage to your pool finish, heater and associated equipment. Within 24 hours of pool opening, Sahara Pools recommends accurate testing and balancing of pool water. Visit our showroom for free water testing and advice!
Please fix the form errors and try again
*Maintenance visits do not cover any storm clean up including excessive leaf and/or mud removal. Visit our pool vacuuming service page for storm/mud cleanup pricing and signup.
Note: You are selecting the WEEK of your opening. Sahara Pools will text you the Sunday prior with your specific day of service.
Payment and Submission
Sahara Pools requires payment information on file prior to performing pool service. Your card will not be charged until the service is completed.
Payment and Submission
Sahara Pools requires payment information on file prior to performing pool service. Your card will not be charged until the service is completed.
Select Upgrades:
Most filters will require the tank o-ring to be replaced. The cost of o-ring and filter media are additional. Most sand filters require on average six bags of media.
Activate Filter Glass Replacement:
Superior water clarity and sanitization
Highly resistant to bacteria
Never change your filter media ever again!
Labor: $250 + $45 Per Bag
(most filters require 10 bags)
Traditional Filter Sand Replacement
Sand must be changed every 3 - 5 years
May require additional chemical clarifiers and sanitizers
Labor: $250 + $20 Per Bag
(most filters require 6 bags)
This location must be easily accessible. For example: behind the shed, or under the deck.