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When is it time to schedule a Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.) Filter Maintenance?

The life expectancy of D.E. Filter Grids is 7-10 years.  If you are experiencing any of the below issues, we recommend servicing your D.E. Filter.

  • DE Filter is requiring more frequent backwashing

  • Reduced sparkle and water clarity

  • Filter clogs easily

  • Dirt or DE powder is coming back into the pool

  • Skimmer suction is not as strong as before

  • Difficulty maintaining water balance or an algae free pool

D.E. Filter Maintenance Includes:

Disassembly of filter tank and internal filter grids.

Mechanical cleaning of filter grids, grid manifold, and inside of tank.

Inspection of grids and manifold for any tears, holes, or cracking.

Inspection and lubrication of filter tank and standpipe o-ring.  If o-rings have deterioration, they will be replaced at an additional cost.

Re-assembly of pool filter.

Re-charge of filter proper amount of D.E. powder

Inspection of filter and multi-port valve for optimal flow and friction.

*All o-rings are additional (if needed)
D.E. Filter Servic Form Anchor
D.E. Filter Maintenance

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Please provide us with your primary email address. We will be corresponding and invoicing via email.

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If service is completed prior to cancellation, customer is fully responsible for services performed.

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Payment and Submission
Sahara Pools requires payment information on file prior to performing pool service. Your card will not be charged until the service is completed.
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